Unity and Cocos2dx cannot be compared
Are you thinking of developing with Unity for its ease of development? Or Are you thinking of developing in Cocos2dx for its easy coding standards and very 2d nature?
Here are few points which you should know before getting confused.
- Cocos2dx should be used when you are willing to make a small 2d game.
- Cocos2dx could give you APK which will have size less then 5MB perfect for any 2d game.
- Unity size increases pretty quickly. And there are many ways which you should know before you develop a small game in Unity. Size of standard APK could be minimum around 10-12 MB.
- Unity is all about 3d first and secondly it covers 2d as well.
- Cocos2dx main purpose is to focus on 2d first and later on for little bit of 3d.
- Cocos2dx mostly loved by developers. With lot of easy coding can get you almost anything which you desire.
- Unity is mostly about game designers who dreams to be a game designer. All is set and you developers can directly jump into setting the pieces of your game. Like a Jigsaw puzzle.
- Cocos2d has great JS features as well which give you great live coding experience. Even Cocos2d for JS has a designer tool called Cocos Studio. Cocos is also working hard on plugin store of themselves.
- Unity could just be a different beast and could let you go out of control in its vast world of 3d designing.
Great games are made with both Cocos2dx and Unity3d. Its your decision to choose the exact required engine for your game. For us size of games makes a huge difference and for which we prefer Cocos2dx anytime over Unity3d for any 2.5D games. And for 3D its definitely Unity3D.
Visit our game made in Unity:
Aliens & Super Surfer 3D