Add Custom fields into WordPress


Adding Custom fields into WordPress and insert/update the custom fields is even more tough task


Initially when i was trying to add custom fields into wordpress,i searched alot regarding this and 
 also downloaded the ACF plugin and it is also not working and also after making so many changes in 
functions.php and single.php file in theme folder but still thats also not helpful for adding 
custom fields into wordpress and also insert/update the details inside the custom field


The easiest solution of adding custom fields into wordpress is to install "Pods" plugin by using
wordpress admin panel and after installation of plugin,activate the plugin and after that click on 
Pods admin  and after that you have to enter all the define your custom fields you want to add  and after
that there is also option of rest api when you enter the custom fields details and just allow the show and 
insert/update the custom field option through Rest-Api